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My Top 5 Favorite Types of Photography

1) Nature

The park is the best place for nature photos. There are so many different and beautiful plants. It is nature's beauty. There are also rocks and playgrounds for different textures to add to your portfolio.

2) Rain

The day after rain is one of the prime times for textural pictures. The rain can show different light and shapes.

3) Macro

If you have a chance, find a way to work with macro lenses. These lenses get close to the object focusing on the fine detail. This is a good way to show shallow depth of field.

4) Upward

Pointing the camera upward shows a different perspective. This is a good way to blur the close ups and focus on the object far away.

5) Stop Motion

The best way to take a stop motion picture is a burst. A burst can take many pictures at a time while the object is in motion.


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